Author Archives: Ellen

Satsang 1/11/25

Thanks for joining me today for what I plan to be a free weekly event during the YCYC transition. If you weren’t able to make it this morning, you’re welcome to explore the links below.

Quite a few topics were introduced that will be covered in future satsangs. As I mentioned, work at your own pace. If you can’t make a session, it’s okay. We’ll be reviewing and revisiting the material, and eventually you’ll find things start to come together. It’s a process.

I hope to find a suitable location for the Saturday 10:00am Slow & Steady class before too long. I appreciate your patience!

Some key terms from today’s session:

  • Sangha = the company of like-minded spiritual seekers; the company of the wise
  • Satsang = group teaching with exchange of ideas
  • Doshas = elemental energies (earth, water, fire, air, and space/ether) that condense and combine, creating our personal constitutional makeup
  • Kleshas = deeply enmeshed tendencies (ignorance, distorted sense of self, attachment, aversion, urge for self-preservation) that drive our behavior
  • Svadhyaya = self-study, self-reflection

A svadhyaya exercise:

Think of an obstacle, habit or tendency that is currently operating in your life. It could also be a powerful emotion. The habit or tendency may be positive and helpful–or the opposite. Consider whether you’re acutely aware or somewhat aware of the obstacle, habit/tendency or emotion.

Write it down and draw a circle or box around it. As non-judgmentally as possible, begin to explore it by drawing radiating lines and jotting down spontaneous thoughts such as: possible cause(s); deep seated or temporary; is it a pattern; possible origin(s); if negative, what would be its opposite? Then put it away for a day or two. When you come back to it, hopefully with a clearer mind, you may discover a few insights or clarifications. The real practice begins by what you decide to do with this information.

Does this sound like modern psychotherapy? Of course it does! But remember that yoga got there first…like 5,000 years ago. The saints and sages were masters of knowing the human mind–what afflicts us (kleshas) and what liberates us (a clear, calm and transparent mind).

Take the dosha quiz by clicking here! (courtesy of The Ayurvedic Institute, Albuquerque, NM)

Recommended resources:

  • Yoga Sutras
  • Bhagavad Gita
  • Himalayan Institute website (some material is available to non-subscribers)
  • The Sanskrit Channel (on YouTube)
  • The Ayurvedic Institute, Albuquerque, NM

Smilow Cancer Hospital–a great place to work!

I’m so grateful to have such amazing and dedicated colleagues!

L to R: Kevin Billingsley, MD, MBA, Chief Medical Officer at Yale Cancer Ctr, Surgical Oncologist; Tracy Carafeno, Executive Director Smilow Patient Services; Ellen McNally, Integrative Medicine Specialist; Madelyn Kaehler, MHA, Healthcare Management, Strategy, and Operations

Vishoka Meditation Course

The Himalayan Institute in Honesdale, PA offers students the opportunity to study the complete system of Vishoka Meditation® online. This comprehensive, 15-hour instructor-led course includes in-depth lectures, practicums, and experiential training.

The course is designed for students of all proficiencies, from those just beginning on the path of yoga or meditation to experienced meditators and yoga teachers.

Click here to view the course curriculum.

Upcoming dates TBA on the Vishoka Meditation® website.

Shiva Sankalpa Sukta and audio recording

The Shiva Sankalpa Sūkta is a powerful six-verse hymn from the Rig Veda that entreats the mind “to dwell on the auspicious will of the Divine,” and helps you cultivate conscious resolve in alignment with your dharma. © Yoga International

TEXT:  Shiva Sankalpa Sūkta
© Himalayan Institute 2017

© Yoga International
[Please note: non-subscribers can access the audio file only 3 times.]

Gayatri Mantra–The Mantra for Illumination and Transformation

Yoga is the journey of the self through the self to the self.

Dear students,

Below is the link to the Gayatri mantra. I suggest you download the MP3 file of it being chanted as there’s a limit to the number of free visits to this link.

(You may wish to consider becoming a member of the Himalayan Institute, which would give you unlimited access to their Wisdom Library, lectures, teaching videos, etc.  Monthly fee is $13.99 and may be cancelled at any time.)

Maha Mritunjaya–The Great Healing Mantra

Dear students,

Below is the link to the Maha Mritunjaya mantra. I suggest you download the MP3 file of it being chanted as there’s a limit to the number of free visits to this link.  (You may wish to consider becoming a member of the Himalayan Institute, which would give you unlimited access to their Wisdom Library, lectures, teaching videos, etc.  Monthly fee is $13.99 and may be cancelled at any time.)